You can also lose weight with coffee very effectively if you know how to drink properly. Every morning, drinking a cup of black coffee will make us more relaxed, start a more productive working day. In addition, you can reduce the weight of coffee very effectively if you know how to drink properly.
Caffeine in coffee helps fatty acids in the bloodstream convert into easily consumed energy. Therefore coffee can promote the burning of fat in the body. Caffeine also has diuretic and eliminates toxins from the body.
Research results of the University of Harvard said that every day using 500-600mg caffeine, equivalent to about 4 cups of coffee will not cause side effects. So, do not exceed the allowed dosage.
The caffeine in coffee promotes lipolysis, releasing fat in the blood, so drinking coffee can lead to weight loss. Typically, 4 cups of unsweetened coffee and milk daily can achieve ideal weight loss.
Tips when losing weight coffee:
- Do not add sugar when drinking coffee: Drink a cup of coffee after a meal, and remember to drink with very little milk if you do not like, no milk as possible. You absolutely must not add sugar because it will interfere with fat breakdown, only make you fatter.
- Should drink hot coffee: A cup of hot coffee will help you burn calories faster by causing increased body heat. In addition, when enjoying hot coffee, you also feel its unique aroma and ability to concentrate on work will be higher.
In the process of brewing coffee at high temperatures, it will produce an antioxidant, it helps fight cancer, anti-aging even has the effect of preventing cardiovascular diseases, can be compared with fruits and green vegetables.
Best black coffee for weight loss: 1 cup of 100 grams of black coffee has only 2.55 calories. Therefore, after eating rice and drinking black coffee, it will have the effect of breaking down fat in the body. In addition, black coffee has a diuretic effect, promoting blood circulation in the heart. However, black coffee is also the reason that causes you to lose most sleep compared to other types of coffee. Therefore, you should consider before drinking and only drink in moderate amounts.
In addition, black coffee can promote cardiovascular circulation. For women, black coffee also has a beauty effect, regular drinking can help you more radiant. People with low blood pressure every day drinking a cup of black coffee can help stabilize blood pressure.
- Smell the coffee flavor: The coffee flavor helps the human psychology to be stable, and can improve the sensitivity of the senses, so when working, smelling or drinking a cup of coffee can enhance work efficiency, can also stimulate the nerves in the brain that make you reduce appetite so you can achieve your desire to lose weight.
- Light exercise after drinking coffee: In the period of 30-40 minutes after drinking coffee, the concentration of fatty acids in the blood can increase, this time combined with light exercise can help fatty acid levels. Turns into energy, effectively burning fat. For example, take a quick 10-15 minute walk, don't take the elevator, take the stairs to the office or go home. Or can also do small movements in place, such as twisting, shrinking legs, belly ...
- Massage with coffee grounds: Using coffee grounds to massage not only helps your skin become smooth, shiny, but also firmer and more beautiful. If using coffee grounds with a little coffee water, massaging on places that can easily accumulate fat like the lower abdomen, thighs, waist ... can achieve the effect of fat burning and fat burning, massage at bath will achieve good effect. than.
Note: People with poor gastrointestinal tract, too much stomach acid, easy to lose sleep, should not drink too much coffee.